"The use of career assessment in high school for career development" by Carlo P. Magno and Sonia Sison Mendoza

The use of career assessment in high school for career development

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CDAP Journal





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The present report highlights the utility of using career assessment results to better guide high school students in their career development. The importance of these assessment results are integrated in the advocacy of the new K to 12 enhanced curriculum, effective transition from high school to advance studies, and developing learners to become equipped with the 21st century skills. The present report recommends some strategies in maximizing the results of career assessment in schools in the following ways: (1) Integration of career development in the subject areas, (2) Career development programs, and (3) conducting counselling for career development.
One of the problems encountered by students when they pursue higher education is the mismatch of their interests, skills, and abilities and the course they are taking. The problem becomes more persistent if these students graduate in a course that they do not have any interest in. Past studies have identified the source of this problem (Flourie & Buchanan, 2002)however, the focus of this report is to highlight how this scenario can be avoided. Yuen et al. (2010) defined career and talent development as a positive approach to helping students strengthen and make optimum use of their abilities, with particular reference to (but not restricted to) preparation of specific expert skills (talents) necessary for working in a particular career field. If students' interests, skills, abilities, and dispositions (career) are determined at the early stage of secondary education, they are better guided and they become aware of the career path that is appropriate for them. Psychometricians, guidance counsellors, and assessment specialists in schools are generally responsible for assessing student characteristics relevant to identifying their career goals. The assessment process becomes part of a large career development program that intends to direct students in their choice of appropriate course in college. In the public school system, they administer the National Career Assessment Examinations (NCAE) for the same purpose. The assessment guides the school personnel that include teachers and guidance counselors to guide students better in making a right choice for their career. The present report highlights the value of career assessment in helping high school students select a suitable career. The present report also includes strategies in using the assessment results as part of the students learning experience.



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