"Factors affecting job satisfaction of employees at selected semi-condu" by Janice T. Mauricio

Factors affecting job satisfaction of employees at selected semi-conductor companies in Cavite: A basis for employee retention program


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business

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The purpose of this study was to identify the factors that can affect employees' job satisfaction. The issue was investigated by identifying the job factors and demographic characteristics that influence employees' level of job satisfaction. Paul Spector's Job Satisfaction Survey, was modified to include Herzberg's motivation-­hygiene factors was used to determine their satisfaction level.
A six-step Likert scale was used to assess the satisfaction level of employees in reference to each job factor and their overall job satisfaction. Mean was used to determine the average level of satisfaction with regards to specific job factors and with regards to overall satisfaction. To reveal any significant differences in the employees' satisfaction level, analysis of variance was conducted. Further, multiple regressions were calculated to predict the overall satisfaction from demographic characteristics and job factors.
The analysis of results showed that there is a significant relationship between age, civil status, job position, and length of experience in the company and overall job satisfaction. The result demonstrates that older employees are more satisfied with their jobs than younger employees are; married employees are more satisfied with their jobs than those who Are single; supervisors and managers have higher level of satisfaction than rank and file; and tenured employees are more satisfied with their jobs than lower tenured employees. This research also proves that money is not the primary reason why employees are satisfied with their jobs. In terms of job factors' correlation to overall satisfaction, work itself ranked first, followed by salary, advancement opportunities, recognition, and interpersonal relations. Thus, money can help increase satisfaction of employees, but is not their primary concern. Employees favor an interesting and challenging task more than the salary they would receive. The results of the study also showed that in an overall scale, employees in selected semiconductor companies in Cavite have 􀀤 low level of satisfaction. Thus a retention program that considers the job factors and _siemographic characteristics which 1· have significant relationship to employees' overall satisfaction must be drafted and implemented to retain their employees.
The results of the study challenge the HR and management team of semiconductor companies in Cavite to re-assess their retention programs and analyze if the job factors and demographic characteristics of employees are taken into consideration in drafting their retention program. A low level of satisfaction exhibited in these companies should enlighten them that there might be other factors that they have failed to consider in their retention program .



Human Resources Management


Semiconductor industry—Employees—Job satisfaction; Job satisfaction

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