"Activating learner's academic motivation: A program development report" by Dennis T. Millare

Activating learner's academic motivation: A program development report

Added Title

"Gearing up Learners for Academic Development (GLAD) program"
Activating learner's academic motivation: OCCS GLAD development program report, 2013-2014


Office of the Counselling and Career Services

Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript

Publication Date



This study reports the implementation of Motivational Interviewing (MI) as intervention tool in the Office of Counseling and Career Service (OCCS) Gearing up Learners Academic Development (GLAD) program. A summative evaluation process was conducted to assess if student participants were motivated to become self-regulated learners. Self-regulation on the part of the learners will be manifested in their readiness to improve their academic performance, acknowledge the importance of taking responsibility for their academic performance, identify strategies needed to improve their academic performance and improve their academic performance. Results revealed that counselors found MI as a helpful tool in guiding students who have problems in managing time and minimizing distractions. Recommendations on the improvement of the program were made to attain the program objectives and to meet the needs of its clientele.



Educational Psychology | Student Counseling and Personnel Services


At head of title: "Gearing up Learners for Academic Development (GLAD) program"
Running title: Activating learner's academic motivation: OCCS GLAD development program report, 2013-2014


Motivation in education; Academic achievement

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