"Development of Filipino adolescent resilience scale (FARS): Achieving " by Joel C. Navarez

Development of Filipino adolescent resilience scale (FARS): Achieving positive life adaptation


Office of the Admissions and Scholarship

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Archival Material/Manuscript

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The study developed construct an that instrument measures ; five factors of resilience which is a multidimensional construct that incorporates both internal and external protective (Friborg, Hjemdal, Rosenvinge & Martinussen, 2006; Kumpfer, 1999; Luthar et al, 2000; Richardson, 2002). Internal characteristics associated efficacy, perseverance, internal locus of control, coping and adaptation skills (Garmezy, 1985; Kumpfer, 1999; Luthans, Vogelgesang & Lester, 2006; Tedeschi & Kilmer, 2005). External factors that promote coping include family and social support networks (Friberg et al., 2006; Hardy et al., 2004; Luthar et al., 2000; Werner & Smith, 1992). The survey questionnaire was validated and distributed to 278 freshman college students enrolled. in the College Orientation Course in a collegiate school in Calamba City (N= 278) There were 156 (56.12%) female and 122 (43.88%) male participants. The instrument was tested using Exploratory Factory Analysis (EFA). Out of 108 items, 62 remained significant and stable in the four factors of resilience. Given the results for the acceptable items in EFA, it was tested using a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The goodness of fit based on the RMS standardized residual (RMS=0.070) showed less error having a value closer to .01. The Noncentrality fit indices values shows good fit for four factors of res1hence (Steiger-Lind RMSEA Index= 0.70, Population Gamma Index= 0.774, Adjusted Population Gamma Index= 0.758).





Resilience (Personality trait) in adolescence

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