Profiling community life of DLSU first year students: Implications to the Lasallian Pastoral Office


Lasallian Pastoral Office

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Archival Material/Manuscript

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Faith communities are significant components in the lives of many students, forming their identity, values, and sense of self-worth during their university years. This climate which encourages involvement in Catholic faith organizations enhances students' personal and intellectual growth and their relationship with God while it advances their vocation options. The purpose of this study is to profile the community life of first year students and look at the results as to how these will be of beneficial to the Lasallian Pastoral Office. In a huge university such as De La Salle University, profiling community life is relevant especially to the student-centered and formation-focused office as it helps in improving or designing relevant programs that respond to their present needs. The study was conducted in two Academic Years from 2012-2014 with about 2000 first year students. Intriguing results revealed that majority of the first year students in the university do not involved in the community building programs of the Lasallian Pastoral Office especially in participation of the Holy Mass, the heart of Catholic community life. With these results, there are various implications for the Lasallian Pastoral Office especially in pastoral programs and community building.



Student Counseling and Personnel Services


De La Salle University (Philippines)—Students College student development programs; Church work with college students—Catholic Church

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