"Outcomes of business social responsibility programs of selected semico" by Ria Liza C. Canlas, Corazon L. Magpayo et al.

Outcomes of business social responsibility programs of selected semiconductor companies in the Philippines


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business



Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript

Publication Date



The rise of many semi-conductor companies was significant in the sub-urban areas of the Philippines as part of the government's economic agenda which brought about jobs as well as financial gains to the local government units where they are situated. Revenue is impressive, in return, there are social and environment impacts as outcomes of their economic activities. This study addressed the following problems: (1) The profile of the five (5) selected semi-conductor companies in terms of number of years in business, asset size, country of origin, and number of years performing BSR; (2) The patterns of the BSR programs these companies undertook; (3) The BSR outcomes to the following stakeholders: owners, employees, community, and the environment; (4) The relationship of the company profile with the patterns of the BSR programs; and, (5) The factors among the company profile and patterns of BSR programs that greatly affects the outcomes. The analysis was based from personal interviews, survey and from documents presented in the companies' official websites, brochures and prints. Assessment was made by the employees and the community where the companies are located. The instrument used was tested for content validity with the help of thirty (30) jurors composed of academicians and practitioners. It was then pre-tested on three (3) semiconductor companies not included in the study. Cronbach Alpha and item analysis were used for reliability test and test of scales. The research designs included descriptive, correlational, causal/explanatory and comparative research. The BSR outcomes were measured and evidences were established by methodological triangulation. Elaboration Method with correlations was used to identify the significant factors affecting the BSR outcomes. Results of the study showed positive outcomes to stakeholders. Some differences were noted on the BSR programs reported by the companies against the programs directly felt by the community. The BSR programs inhibited a pattern as low, moderate and extensive. The patterns of BSR programs account for the relationship between company profile and BSR outcomes.



Business Administration, Management, and Operations


Social responsibility of business; Semiconductor industry—Philippines

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