What motivates employees in today's work? Analyses of the motivational strategies carried out by managers in directing individual workers


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business



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Archival Material/Manuscript

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The focus of this research is in the area of employee motivation. To investigate whether factors that motivate employees in today's society changed in terms of level of importance placed as compared to previous studies during the times of prosperity. This study is important to enable the reader to have ideas on latest motivation factor suitable and relevant in today's workers concerned and interest. The research method adopted review of related literature and survey to reliable participants employed as salaried professional and manual labor within the City of Coventry West Midlands United Kingdom. The findings underline that employees of today's society considered the influence and impact of the current economic conditions in deciding the level of importance of the motivation factors and provide an evidence that job security is the most important aspect of motivation weigh the interesting work as their best motivation for work during the previous study and diplomatic discipline still turns out to be their least vital driving force. The conclusion obtain from this research is that employees nowadays want stable job to live through the economic downturn in today's society and come up with an insight that extrinsic rewards rising up again. This dissertation offers an approach through reviewing and eliminating those earlier rewards and benefits that do not reach and accomplish the company's target direction and objectives, reflect on employees concern regarding what they need and consult a motivational expert to discuss and determine the right reward and benefits that meet employees wish to make them more productive.



Human Resources Management | Performance Management


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Employee motivation

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