"A proposal in developing and sustaining an effective maritime educatio" by Rayan P. Dui

A proposal in developing and sustaining an effective maritime education and training system for Power Link Training and Assessment Center


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Marketing and Advertising Department

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Source Title

6th National Business and Management Conference

Publication Date



Traditionally, the purpose of training and development has been tat seafarers can accomplish their jobs efficiently. Strategic positioning of training and development directly promotes organizational business goals and objectives. The intention of this paper is (1) to determine whether Power Link and Training and Assessment center is able to implement an effective maritime education and training among their seafarers and help them in improving their knowledge and skills. Training is delivered for undergraduates (future seafarers) in maritime schools and universities and after graduation in maritime training centers and in the employing company. A particular attention must be given to transmission of adequate knowledge for gaining competences and abilities and not only theoretical insights (Maritime transport & navigation journal, vol. 2, 2010); and, (2) to determine whether seafarers from different manning agencies find our training programs effective in enhancing the skill level. Using a set of criteria for evaluating an effective maritime education and training by Demirel and Meha (2009), the researcher will be evaluating Power Link performance based on their own assessment versus the assessment of their clients particularly the seafarers of the manning agencies. The results showed that majority of the seafarers believe that the training programs of Power Link is effective in improving their competency though, they feel that it must improve their facilities and that they need to offer more IMO mandated courses to be preferred. The owner of Power Link also believes that a lot is still in store for the company if only they may increase the number of their courses. These findings will help provide valuable insights to the management of Power Link on how they may add sustainable practices that will increase their engagement with their clients.



Education | Training and Development


Merchant mariners—Training of

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