"Impact analysis of temperature and water dilution ratio in anaerobic c" by Jeremias A. Gonzaga, Jose Bienvenido Manuel M. Biona et al.

Impact analysis of temperature and water dilution ratio in anaerobic co-digestion of jatropha press-cake and pig manure in batch mode


Gokongwei College of Engineering


Mechanical Engineering

Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript

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Anaerobic digestion is already an established technology in biogas production which converts biomass feedstock into biogas as a renewable fuel source. During anaerobic digestion, not only renewable biogas is produced but also its by-product can be used as organic fertilizer. The combination of Jatropha press-cake and pig manure has not been fully explored which shows a potential area in biogas production. It was observed that the substrates mix of 50JPC:50PM with water dilution ratios of 1:3 and 1:4, did not produce better results on biogas production. Fortunately, some substrates mix of JPC and PM using the above-mentioned water dilution ratios produced better results in total gas production and methane content. The most satisfactory results of methane gas contents were 172.97, 158.77 and 133.35 L/kg VSdestructed, as produced at substrates percent-mixture ratios of 80JPC:20PM (1:3 WDR), 90JPC:10PM (1:3 WDR), and 90JPC:10PM (1:4 WDR), respectively.



Energy Systems | Mechanical Engineering


Publication/creation date supplied


Sewage—Purification—Anaerobic treatment; Jatropha; Animal waste; Biomass energy

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