"Performance evaluation of aerobic moving bed biofilm reactor and aerob" by Maria Catriona E. Devanadera and W. I. Jose

Performance evaluation of aerobic moving bed biofilm reactor and aerobic attached film reactor using solid waste as microbial support for the treatment of simulated wastewater with sugar and ammonia


Gokongwei College of Engineering

Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript

Publication Date



Aerobic wastewater treatment processes are used to obtain high quality effluent at a short hydraulic retention time in treating low to medium strength organic and nitrogenous wastewater. In this study, the independent performances of two aerobic processes were evaluated in terms of chemical oxygen demand (COD) and ammonia removal efficiencies.

This study showed that aerobic moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) and aerobic attached film reactor (AAFR) were effective in treating organic wastewater with percent COD removal efficiencies of 75.6-93.93% and 72.8-95.67%, respectively at organic loading rates of 0.5-2 kg/m3 day. For ammonia removal, it was not able to function efficiently due to the effects of washouts and insufficient acclimation period. The average percent ammonia removals were 61.61% for MBBR while 32.33% for AAFR. Continuous modes at HRTs of 24 and 12 hours, and sequencing batch reactor process at a 24-h HRT were employed both for MBBR and AAFR. The air flow rate averages were 11.47 and 9.27 1/min for MBBR and AAFR, respectively.



Environmental Engineering


Sewage—Purification—Biological treatment; Biofilms; Bioreactors

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