Parallel algorithms for computing temporal aggregates


College of Computer Studies

Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript

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The ability to model the temporal dimension is essential to many applications. Furthermore, the rate of increase in database size and response time requirements has outpaced advancements in processor and mass storage technology, leading to the need for parallel temporal database management systems. In this paper, we introduced a variety of parallel temporal aggregation algorithms for a shared-nothing architecture based on the sequential Aggregation Tree algorithm. Via an empirical study, we found that the number of processing nodes, the partitioning of the data, the placement of results, and the degree of data reduction effected by the aggregation impacted the performance of the algorithms. For distributed results placement, we discovered that Time Division Merge was the obvious choice. For centralized results and high data reduction. Pairwise Merge was preferred regardless of the number of processing nodes, but for low data reduction, it only performed well up to 32 nodes. This led us to a centralized variant of Time Division Merge which was best for larger configurations having low data reduction.



Computer Sciences


Publication/creation date supplied


Temporal databases; Parallel algorithms

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