"Formative intervention for students acts against people and property: " by Janice C. Del Mundo

Formative intervention for students acts against people and property: A material development report


Student Discipline Formation Office

Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript

Publication Date



The current paper is an effort of the Student Discipline Formation Office to provide preventive and formative intervention intervention modules particularly to the student respondents/bullies, student complainants/victims and students/passive bystanders whose cases fall under acts against people and property. Thirty-eight (38) cases under the category of acts against people and property from academic years 2009-2013 were qualitatively examined through a content analysis and only ten (10) cases were classified as bullying following the definition of Olweus (1193). After facilitating preventive and formative interventions, the participants are expected to lessen behaviors that qualifies them to be bullies, victims and passive bystanders. Hence, lessen if not eradicate cases against people and property specifically bullying incidents in DLSU by zeroing the bullying cycle and create healthy interactions in the Lasallian community.



Student Counseling and Personnel Services


College discipline; Bullying in universities and colleges

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