"Performance-based design of wind turbines for typhoons" by Lessandro Estelito O. Garciano, Osamu Maruyama et al.

Performance-based design of wind turbines for typhoons

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The probability of buckling failure of the wind turbine tower due to typhoons or extreme wind speeds is investigated. The typhoons were simulated using Monte Carlo method and the Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distribution. The parameters fo the GEV were estimated from recorded 40-year annual extreme wind speeds from a weather station the nearest the proposed wind farm. It is assumed that during strong typhoons, buckling of the tower occurs first before uplift failure of the footing therefore were assume a very small value for uplift failure. The probability of fatigue failure of a wind turbined blade is also analyzed using fracture mechanics. A stationary stochastic wind load process based on the Kaimal spectrum is simulated. The spectrum is obtained using 10-minute wind speeds gathered from a proposed wind farm in the Philippines. Finally, based on these three failure modes the probability of failure of the wind turbine system is determined.


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