"Leadership and work-life balance in the Philippine context" by Jemellene B. Baluyot

Leadership and work-life balance in the Philippine context


College of Liberal Arts



Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript

Publication Date



Purpose: This paper aimed to investigate the relationship between leadership style and perceived work-life balance in Philippine context. Design/Method/Approach: The transformational and transactional leadership constructs of Bass, work-home interaction/home-work interaction model of Geurs et al., and societal cultural domains of GLOBE project were used. A sample of 308 Filipino professionals completed a survey questionnaire which included the Multifactor leadership questionnaire (MLQ) – 5X, Human system audit – Transformational leadership short scale (HAS-TFL), and Survey work-home interaction NijmeGen (SWING). Descriptive, Pearson correlation analysis and hierarchical multiple regression analysis were conducted using PASW/SPSS version 17.1. Originality/Value: This paper contributes to the two phenomena and expanding it to a country and cultural context that with little current literature. Results: In the Philippines which is classified by the GLOBE study to have a very high level of in-group collectivism, perceived negative impact of work to home life and vice versa are lower compared to perceived positive effect. Regarding leadership, supervisor transformational leadership behaviours lead to less negative home-work interaction and more positive home-work interaction among employees, while transactional leadership behaviours are associated with higher positive work-home interaction



Work, Economy and Organizations


Leadership; Transformational leadership; Work-life balance—Philippines

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