Towards an e-library: Feasibility study of establishing electronic theses and dissertations for the De La Salle University - Manila, Philippines



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Archival Material/Manuscript


With the advent of the computer and the Internet age, libraries have revolutionized its ways of servicing and providing its users their information needs. Reference service could now also be done via e-mail and chat services. Users could now access and make preferred searches of the library collections via the Web OPAC. The availability of online journal and book subscriptions has improved much the traditional way of doing research work for it saved much the time of the researcher who cannot maximize much of his/her time visiting the library just to do so. In the Philippines, the availability of electronic theses and dissertations for public access and usage has not yet been explored, unlike its Western and other Asian counterparts. Visiting users from remote areas of the country and working students have been frequenting the library to view and make use of its theses collections. Imagine the hardships they have to endure in order to access the theses collections. It is for this reason that the author conceptualized the feasibility study of establishing an electronic theses and dissertations for the De La Salle University to answer this need. This study will delve into the current situation of the De La Salle University - Manila these and dissertation collections, the copyright law in the Philippines and abroad, the proposed system structure for the electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) and the possible hindrances for implementing such.



Library and Information Science


Electronic dissertations; Libraries—Special collections—Electronic dissertations; Copyright—Philippines; Copyright

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