"An examination of the patterns and functions of Tagalog-English code s" by Eden Regala Flores

An examination of the patterns and functions of Tagalog-English code switching in two oral discussions


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Dept of English and Applied Linguistics

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Source Title

4th International Conference on Language Education

Publication Date



Two forms of discussion (i.e., adult’s face-to-face interview and students’ group discussion), using Hamers and Blanc’s (200) main types of codeswitching (C-S), were used to identify and to analyze various code switches made by the participants. The findings of this study reveal that the patterns of the participants’ C-S occur at the inter-sentential, extra-sentential and intra-sentential levels or what others describe as switch within the course of a single conversation at word or sentence level or at the level of blocks of discourse speech (Baker, 2006). The present study also validates D’Souza’s competence-related code-mixing (CM) 9where a person’s competence in L2 is low and therefore has to go back to L1) and culture-related CM (where a person uses terms and expressions in the language that cannot be expressed in another language). Pedagogical implications especially in the Philippine language education contexts are given in light of the findings.



English Language and Literature | South and Southeast Asian Languages and Societies | Speech and Rhetorical Studies


Code switching (Linguistics)—Philippines

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