"Getting the right source from off site: Issues and prospect of interli" by Carlos Eclevia Jr., Marian Ramos Eclevia et al.

Getting the right source from off site: Issues and prospect of interlibrary loan and document delivery services



Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Source Title

PLAI National Congress 2015

Publication Date



As libraries continue to add more electronic resources to their collections, the nature and processes of interlibrary loan (ILL) and document delivery service (DDS) have changed due to licensing restrictions, availability of discovery tools, and increased users' expectations. While libraries allow scanning or photocopying and delivery of journal articles and chapters of print books to other libraries, many publishers and vendors of electronic resources forbid in their license agreements the use of online journals and e-books to fulfil ILL and DDS requests. Can libraries lend e-books and supply online articles under the fair use doctrine via the traditional ILL/DDS model? What are the restrictions of licenses in terms of access and use of electronic resources? This paper examines the changing nature of interlibrary lending as related to e-contents and discuss how resource sharing is affected by copyright law and license agreements. The authors present the current practice of ILL and DDS among selected libraries that have been acquiring electronic resources, summarize the existing copyright laws, carefully review the terms and conditions of online database license agreements, and explore the trends, barriers, and future prospects for e-book lending and document delivery of e-journals. Results of this study provide a better understanding on the impact of licensed e-contents on the resource sharing practices of libraries in the Philippines.



Library and Information Science


Interlibrary loans—Philippines; Document delivery—Philippines

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