Anticipating the social from the ecological: An ecoconstructionist reflection for sociology and environmental science


College of Liberal Arts


Behavioral Sciences

Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript


Present theories of environmental sociology are inadequate in investigating ecological challenges. This is the thesis of the present article. This is brought about by two mutually reinforcing factors: (i) by sociology's limited and limiting notion of the social (as a result of its bias to modernity and to the experience of the West) and (ii) by environmental science's lack of language to articulate the sociality exhibited by modern day environmental realities. Thence, the paper examines how the two disciplines' disparate notions of the social given their conceptual and linguistic confinements can be bridged in order to expand the functionality of the social-- one that is capable of not only explicating likelihood and ramifications of preferred environmental futures. Using biodiversity as a test case, the paper ends by suggesting how the invigorated notion of the social can be explored via the ecoconstructionist reflection suitable for both sociology and environmental science unhampered by their respective disciplinal frontiers.



Environmental Studies


Environmental sociology

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