"Blood provision and service application for people in Manado using mob" by Cindy Rambitan, Ari Samadhi et al.

Blood provision and service application for people in Manado using mobile web technology


College of Computer Studies


Information Technology

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Proceeding of 2015 1st International Conference on Wireless and Telematics, ICWT 2015

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The development of technology is increasing rapidly. These developments have a huge impact on all areas, including The Health Field. Blood is one very important component in supporting the health of the human body. The lack of information about blood stock availability in hospitals and the Indonesian Red Cross (PMI) makes people often have difficulty in getting the blood they needs. Today many people are willing to donate blood to help people who in needs for blood, but time and cost became their main obstacle, because they need to find the nearest hospital or Indonesian PMI to do so. This application is built to be able to help people get information about existing blood stocks and provide media that can deliver information to people who want to donate their blood. This application is built using Hypertext Preprocessor programming language (PHP). The methodology use is Rapid Application Development (RAD) and using UML (Unified Modeling Language) as a modeling tool. The test result showed that this application is properly function and this application can assist the people in ordering the blood it needs and the people who wants to donate their blood without having to go to the nearby hospital or PMI. © 2015 IEEE.


Digitial Object Identifier (DOI)



Computer Sciences


Blood—Collection and preservation; Information storage and retrieval systems—Blood banks

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