""Experiencing quick success for positive change": a program for helpin" by Susana Almeda Estanislao

"Experiencing quick success for positive change": a program for helping professional using thesolution-focused counseling approach


Office of the Counselling and Career Services

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This paper presents a program, which was designed to provide helping professionals the basic “know-how” in counseling students using a brief approach in solving their problems and experiencing quick success for positive change. The procedures employed in this study followed the three phases of program development utilizing the system design model (Gordon, 1994), namely front-end analysis or needs assessment, design and development, and system evaluation. In the first phase, 92 counseling professionals from different schools in Luzon region were tapped as survey respondents. In the second phase, the literature reviewed and assessed needs provided valuable information in the development of the program for the helping professionals. The designed program was the implemented to 38 counseling and teaching professionals employed in some private institutions in Zamboanga City. The evaluation ratings (third phase) were then tabulated and comments were noted verbatim. Results were discussed in view of its implications to the counseling system




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