"A usability evaluation of an academic website on faculty scholarly out" by Jazmin Chong and Agnes Bulay

A usability evaluation of an academic website on faculty scholarly output (FSO) update


Information Technology Services

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



The Information Technology Center (ITC) of De La Salle University who is in charge of web applications development proposed to launch the faculty scholarly output website. The faculty scholarly output website is for updating online research output in terms of journal or conference publications for each faculty. The inputted information wiould serve as the official research record of the faculty. A usability study was conducted to determine the usability problems and pertinent webpage design factor in the layout. This study aims to determine the common mistakes being committed in using the website and the important design factors to be considered in webpage design. The usability test made use of CAMTASIA software to record and analyze the results. The result of the study identified three usability problems: navigation, wording and interface inconsistencies. The design factors that need to be paid careful attention to prevent usability problems are grammar consistency, buttons and layout of the webpage.



Graphics and Human Computer Interfaces


Paper presented at the Asia-Pacific System Engineering Conference 2007, Singapore, 23 March 2007 - 24 March 2007


Asia-Pacific System Engineering Conference (2007 : Singapore)

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