"Characterization of columnar water vapor measurements and its comparis" by Red M. Castilla, Floyd Rey P. Plando et al.

Characterization of columnar water vapor measurements and its comparison with model estimates and surface meteorological parameters Over Manila, Philippines (14.567° N, 120.980° E)


College of Science



Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Source Title

35th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2014, ACRS 2014: Sensing for Reintegration of Societies

Publication Date



The temporal variation of precipitable water (PWmeas) in the near-infrared (936 nm) band at Manila, Philippines (14.567° N, 120.980° E) was investigated using a Microtops II Sun photometer and Ozone Meter (spectral radiometer) in 30-min interval observations (0900H - 1200H, 1300H - 1600H LT) from February to May 2014. Precipitable water (PWcalc) was also computed from surface meteorological measurements (i.e., relative humidity and surface temperature) and the Butler model. Results show a large day-to-day variability of the PWmeas values due to varied meteorological and sky conditions. PWmeas yielded a positively skewed distribution; 46.0 % of all the PW observations fall from 1.80 cm to 2.60 cm. The daytime median PWmeas was 2.79 cm at quartile deviation (QD)=0.608, with maximum PWmeas=4.35 cm and minimum PWmeas=1.88 cm. Kruskal-Wallis Analysis of Variance was performed to compare the PWmeas values for the (a) monthly observations, (b) daily measurements, and (c) morning (A.M.) & afternoon (P.M.) monitoring. A p-value of <0.05 was obtained for (a), showing a significant difference among PWmeas values for the months of February, March, April, and May. On the other hand, a p-value of 0.222 was obtained for (b), illustrating that there was no significant difference among PWmeas values at any of the 30-min interval observations. Moreover, a p-value of <0.05 was obtained for (c), indicating a significant difference between A.M. & P.M. PWmeas values. Further, the obtained PW was correlated using the Spearman Rank Order Correlation with relative humidity (rS=0.0860), surface temperature (rS=0.572), and dew-point temperature (rS=0.822). Lastly, PWcalc was compared with PWmeas (rS=0.823) revealing a strong correlation.


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