"Decision support system for richdess poultry and egg farm" by Michelle Renee Ching, Shaun Cassidy Calagos et al.

Decision support system for richdess poultry and egg farm


College of Computer Studies


Information Technology

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Source Title

Proceedings of 2018 the 8th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, WCSE 2018

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The most important enterprise in the world is Agriculture for it provides human's basic needs of survival. Because of the advancements in technology today, management of agricultural data and information related to the performance of livestock is vital for successful farms to compete in the market. This could be achieved through accurate Farm Management Information Systems that can provide decision support to achieve sustainability, optimum efficiency, and effectivity. Through Agile and Scrum development frameworks, the researchers specifically developed a Decision Support System for RichDess Poultry and Egg Farm that aids its farm employees in storing and utilizing data that would provide the necessary information to the farm manager in creating key business decisions. The system aims to maximize the assets and minimize the expenses of the farm through the four main modules: Poultry and Egg Management module, Pig Management module, Feeds and Medicine Inventory Tracking module, and Financial Management module. The system can suggest the best chicken breed to purchase based on each chicken breed's total egg production; moreover, it can suggest the type of medicine to cure certain illnesses based on past data. Additionally, it can monitor the weight and breeding status of the pigs. It can also display a clear picture of the farm's cash flow for easy decision-making and it can track the quantity of feeds and medicines used. © Proceedings of 2018 the 8th International Workshop on Computer Science and Engineering, WCSE 2018. All rights reserved.



Computer Sciences


Decision support systems; Agriculture—Information resources management; Livestock—Information resources management

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