"Work from home arrangemens in the academic library setting: Boon and b" by Ana Maria B. Fresnido, Sharon Maria Esposo Betan et al.

Work from home arrangemens in the academic library setting: Boon and bane



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PAARL Research Journal



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This study aimed to provide a snapshot of the WFH experiences of academic library personnel in the Philippines and how issues and challenges emerging from this new work setup were addressed. This study is also a modest contribution to the literature on home-based telecommuting in the context of Philippine academic libraries. It is expected to benefit administrators of HEIs and academic libraries, particularly by drawing insights on the experiences of library personnel with the WFH setup and, from there, be able to identify ways to best respond to the issues and challenges emanating from the said work model, making sure that they are advantageous to both the employee and the employer. Likewise, the results of the study will aid in identifying library tasks that may be accomplished efficiently with this alternative way of working, as well as determine employees and positions that are best suited for the WFH setup. This mixed-method research made use of a survey and focus group discussion (FGD) to gather data. The online survey was used to elicit information on the WFH experiences of academic library personnel in the country and help explore their views and opinions on the topic. FGD, on the other hand, was conducted to investigate WFH from the perspective of library administrators as they help implement this new work model in their respective libraries. How they handled and resolved these issues and challenges, as well as new policies and practices relating to WFH, were also explored. Academic library personnel from all over the country served as survey respondents, while selected head librarians representing major geographic divisions in the country served as FGD participants. The experiences of academic library personnel in the country with the WFH setup showed commonalities and variations, hence responding to the issues and challenges also exhibited the same pattern, although some libraries and HEIs, compared to others, offered more innovative and creative solutions to the challenges brought about by this new work model. The study also made it apparent that the individual's point of view and the circumstances one is in largely affect one's view of the issues and challenges emerging from the WFH setup. From among the different facets of WFH in the academic library setting, issues and challenges on work disruptions and workspaces remain unresolved. This is the first mixed-method study on home-based-telecommuting within the context of academic libraries that explored the different facets of working from home and involved both librarians and non-librarian personnel working in academic libraries in the country.



Library and Information Science | Social and Behavioral Sciences


Telecommuting—Philippines; Academic libraries—Philippines; COVID-19 Pandemic, 2020-2023—Influence

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