Species composition, physiognomy and the ecology of a one-hectare low mountain forest plot in Irawan, Palawan revisited after twelve years
College of Science
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Archival Material/Manuscript
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A follow-up study will be conducted to determine changes in the tree species composition, forest physiognomy and the ecology of a one-hectare plot of low mountain forest in Irawan, Palawan twelve years after the initial study survey was conducted. Using the same strip transect method, 20 quadrats will be laid side by side creating a 200 m long and 50 m wide plot with a total area of 10,000 m2. Employing the Releve method, all trees with a DBH > 10 cm will be identified, measured for height, mapped and studied. A profile diagram will be created to determine the physiognomy, or the vertical stratification of trees. A comparison will be made between the parameters measured in 1990 and the data of the same parameters to be measured in 2012. A review of past natural events and the impact of human activities will be made to determine if changes in species composition, physiognomy and the ecology of the same one-hectare plot of forest could be attributed to processes such as natural regeneration and succession or to human impact. This information will provide resource managers and conversational recommendations on how best to conserve forest.
Recommended Citation
Banez, G. V. (2011). Species composition, physiognomy and the ecology of a one-hectare low mountain forest plot in Irawan, Palawan revisited after twelve years. Retrieved from https://animorepository.dlsu.edu.ph/faculty_research/13581
Forest Biology | Other Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Forests and forestry--Philippines--Palawan; Trees--Identification
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