Understanding help seeking behaviour among Filipino university students


Office of the Counselling and Career Services

Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript

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There is an increase of mental health concerns among university students, compared to previous generations, as relationships and academic demands become more complex. The researchers explored students’ perceptions and the experiences they go through in seeking help, specifically problem awareness, decision to seek help and support system. 14 respondents from different colleges and universities in Metro Manila participated in this qualitative study. Thematic analysis was used to process data gathered from the interviews. Key results were: help-seeking can come from both informal (family and friends) and professional help (counselors, psychologists), one’s outlook towards help-seeking can be connected to the individual’s decision to seek help and quality of support system is evident in the process of help-seeking, from problem recognition to decision to seek help. Hence, help-seeking behavior is an important psychological process to understand to effectively deliver counseling services and advocate progressive mental health programs in our universities and counseling centers. The findings highlight the crucial role of practitioners and policy makers to explore the relevance of its guidance programs in relation to the needs of the stakeholders, university students.

Keywords: help-seeking behavior, university students, mental health, narratives





Abstract only


Help-seeking behavior; College students—Philippines—Psychology

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