Density functional theory calculations on first-row transition metal porphyrins and their oxygen adducts


College of Science



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Archival Material/Manuscript

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We conducted a theoretical investigation of the geometric, vibrational, and electronic structures of seven transition metal porphyrins and their oxygen adducts using Density Functional Theory (DFT). The values of various geometric parameters that we calculated agree reasonably well with the experiment and calculated values previously reported by various groups. No significant change in the porphyrin geometry was observed whether or not its core contains a metal atom. In general, the porphyrin moiety itself remains planar regardless of the type of metal center The metalloporphyrins exhibit an unexpected charge distribution in that, considering the apparent symmetry of the porphyrin complexes, not every atom type has the same charge: one carbon atom in the ring may be negatively-charged while another is positively-charged. However, each pair of carbons, nitrogen, and hydrogen atoms on opposite sides of the porphyrin ring have the same charges. The total energy of a metalloporphyrin becomes more negative with a change in the metal center from left to right in the fourth row of the periodic table regardless of the spin state of the metal atom. The total energy also becomes more negative as one goes up the column (from Os to Ru to Fe) in the periodic table for both the singlet and triplet states. Both Mn (quartet) and Fe (triplet) porphyrins are found to contribute to both the HOMO and LUMO. In contrast ti Tsuda et. al.'s results, the Co d electrons contribute to both the HOMOs are both purely metallic in character. Among the seven metallopoprhyrins, Ni(singlet)Por imparts no metal d electron contribution to the HOMO, while Co(quartet), Ni (triplet), and Ru(singelt)have very little metal d electron contribution to the HOMO. These metal porphyrins are thus expected to be relatively weaker catalysts than, say, MnP and FeP. In contrast, the metal center in CrP, MnP, FeP, and OsP contributes d electrons to both the LUMO and HOMO indicating good catalystic potential for these metalloporphyrins.





Undated; Publication/creation date supplied


Density functionals; Porphyrins

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