Introduction to industrial ecology-with emphasis on the eco-industrial development (EID)
Gokongwei College of Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Source Title
The International Training Course on Industrial Ecology and Environment
Publication Date
Industrial ecology has been referred to as the science of sustainable development. This article will touch on the history, concept, and current efforts in the discipline of the industrial ecology, and goes directly into the eco-industrial development (EID) schemes. Current understanding of the sustainable industrial performance is revolving around loop-closing of resources; industrial ecology offers a system-oriented approach to this mindset. This article touches on how these ideas are molded in the eco-industrial development programs at regional level. This article also differentiates clearly to the readers what is the core substance in an EID, and what are the supportive elements. However, there is no attempt to belittle the supportive elements, such as the social dimension; because these elements play a proactive role to the success of EID
Recommended Citation
Chiu, A. S. (2005). Introduction to industrial ecology-with emphasis on the eco-industrial development (EID). The International Training Course on Industrial Ecology and Environment Retrieved from
Environmental Engineering | Industrial Engineering
Industrial ecology; Industrialization
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