Needs assessment on improving the mental health of student-artists: Towards the development of a life skills intervention program


Office of the Counselling and Career Services

Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript

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Collegiate student-artists, as literature commonly denotes, have an increased risk and likelihood of developing mental health problems due to the unique challenges their circumstances of having dual roles bring. In particular, student-artists are expected to effectively manage their roles in the creative environment on top of their roles in the academic environment. This is evident in the needs assessment survey results as it revealed that majority of student-artists are more likely to have mental health problems. Moreover, a number of factors may contribute to the psychological distress and dysfunction of student-artists such as the constant pressure and expectation to perform optimally, the long and late nights of practice, and academic, personal-social and career-specific psychosocial stressors. The life skills intervention program that is being proposed in this paper aims to improve the mental health of students-artists thus maintaining a well-balanced student-artist life. The said program intends to utilize a widely used life skills framework by the World Health Organization Department of Mental Health. The intended program will employ module development, use of group psychoeducation sessions and individual counseling sessions as the intended methods in the implementation of the program.



Counseling Psychology | Psychology | Social and Behavioral Sciences


Students—Mental health; Teenage artists—Mental health; Students—Mental health services

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