"Project management certification program for DLSU student leaders" by Lounelle J. Godinez

Project management certification program for DLSU student leaders


Student Leadership Involvement, Formation and Empowerment

Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript

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The Project Management Certification Program for Student Leaders is one of the new program offerings of the Office of Student LIFE that started in Academic Year 2019-2020. It intends to address the increasing need of the student leaders in training on how to professionally create projects and activities aligned to university’s values that will benefit their members and the community. The purpose of this program is to equip the emerging student leaders with project management skills, enabling them to design meaningful projects for the student body. The program was participated by twenty (20) junior officers from the Council of Student Organizations, University Student Government and Special Groups. For the whole Term 2 of the Academic Year 2020-2021, the students are meeting at least once a week to learn from one another and resource persons through the virtual spaces - Animo space and Zoom platform. Nonetheless, six (6) alumnus of the first PMCP were joined the project team as part of the secretariat and mentoring team. The participants evaluated the program quantitatively with a total mean score of 3.86 (1-4 scale) and shared that they had an insightful discussions understanding the relationship of Lasallian Action Framework and project management, importance of gantt chart, and how to meaningfully organize project with their team members. They have also recommended to have a longer time to interact with their teammates and time frame for the implementation of their chosen project.



Other Education


Project management; College student development programs

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