"Predictive validity of the Otis-Lennon School Ability Test (OSLAT) to " by Merlita C. Medallon and Rosalie E. Cataquis

Predictive validity of the Otis-Lennon School Ability Test (OSLAT) to the first semester performance of incoming students at Lyceum of the Philippines-Laguna


Office of the Counselling and Career Services

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Lyceum of the Philippines-Laguna Research Journal





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This study was conducted to verify if the OLSAT could be a predictor of the performance of the freshmen students. Majority of the student respondents were graduates of private high schools (90.8%), female (63.3%) and aged 16 (59.0%). Correlation analysis revealed highly significant direct correlation between the total raw scores in the OLSAT and the final grades in English, Mathematics 1 and Mathematics 2. Results show significant relationship between the final grades in English and Mathematics 1, and in English and Mathematics 2. Significant correlation was found between the total raw scores in the OLSAT and the GPA of the students. There is a significant direct correlation between the verbal scores and the final grades in English, Mathematics 1, Mathematics 2, and the GPA. Significant correlation was also found between the non-verbal scores and the final grades in English, Mathematics 1, Mathematics 2, and the GPA. Among the predictor variables, total raw scores int he OLSAT and gender were found to be significant predictor of GPA. The significant predictors of the English final grades are the verbal scores in the OLSAT and gender. The final grade in Mathematics is also significantly predicted by the non-verbal score in the OLSAT and gender. Results have shown that the OLSAT as an entrance examination tool is a valid predictor of the performance of the incoming students to college. The high degree of positive correlation shown is indicative of the examination material's capability to project the grades of the students in their first semester of schooling.



Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research


Verbal ability; Non-Verbal Ability Tests; Educational tests and measurements—Validity

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