Situational analysis of the experiences of librarians and information professionals in alternative working arrangements in the Philippines



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Archival Material/Manuscript


The pandemic has forced the change in nature of conducting several activities. The academic field has not been spared of the effects of such movement and contact restrictions. Since March 2020, working from home has become a viable option for the continuity of academic support by librarians and library staff. The incessant fluidity of the situation has made libraries staff resort to working from home and rotational reporting to the office as alternative working arrangements in order to answer the call of educational service and support. This study will focus on the work from home option as an alternative to workplace presence. Through this study, the authors aim to (1) document the work from home experience and feedback from library staff working from home, availability, support, and use of digital technology, network and collaboration efforts and options in remote work; (2) measure of comfort and adaptation of library staff to the alternative working measures; and (3) come up with recommendations and benchmark adjustment and suggestions for a more productive and conducive WFH experience

Working from home and the availability of technical instruments and options have become an equalizing standard for library services delivery. Since libraries are service-oriented, the use of technology has been utilized in place of actual presence to lessen the limitations brought about by the restriction of movement during the pandemic.

The study illustrates that respondents were able to transition to working from home with ample technological support and knowledge. While notable improvements in technology and connectivity issues were presented, it is important to note that additional support can be provided to leverage service availability to the library community. Moreover, the library services community’s tenacity and the networking options to answer the call of information support have been commendable regardless of the limited technological and connectivity options available.



Library and Information Science | Technology and Innovation


Telecommuting—Philippines; Library employees—Philippines

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