Obesity status and anti-obesity regimen: A case among Filipino adolescents


College of Liberal Arts


Behavioral Sciences

Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript

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Background: Obesity is an alarming phenomenon that is affecting various sectors globally, including adolescents. A shift of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) cases among adolescents, previously seen in adults; has restructure the health status and social dimensions of adolescents which comprise 20% of country's population. Currently, the adolescent obesity prevalence in the Philippines rose from 4.5% to 13% in a decade from 2003 to 2013.

Methods: This descriptive study aimed to ascertain associated factors to obesity status and anti-obesity regimen among the adolescents. Seventy-five adolescents was identified using purposive sampling; the study utilized the following criteria: (1) obese adolescents with BMI >30kg/m2; (2) aged between 13 and 16; and (3) have been doing activities to reduce body weight in the past 6 months. The survey method was used to collect quantitative data.

Results: As data indicated, factors such as socio-demographic characteristics, family obesity history and lifestyle were identified and associated to obesity status. The anti-obesity regimen activities were associated with practice, frequency, adherence and barriers which would ascertain reduction of body weight. Half of the respondents have been adopting anti-obesity regimen related to eating practices and physical activity to reduce weight. Respondents have low frequency level of performing both eating practices and physical activity regimens; it was observed that adolescents have high adherence levels on eating practices regimen; and low adherence in terms of physical activity. They showed to moderate barrier levels; which means adopting specific anti-obesity regimen activities have neither restricting nor promotive influence to maintain these anti-obesity regimen practices. The significant relationship between obesity status and anti-obesity regimen tested using Chi square. Obesity status and anti-obesity regimen activities were has significant relationship in practice or adoption, adherence to both eating and physical activities; and frequency of performing physical activity such as exercise. There exist no significant relationship between barriers levels of anti-obesity regimen and obesity status.

Conclusion: Obesity status and anti-obesity regimen were associated to practice, adherence levels and frequency of performing anti-obesity regimen. These factors were dependent on decision to lose weight and choice of anti-obesity regimen among adolescents. Obesity status will only be improved with consistency and frequency of practice; high level of adherence and strong commitment to lose weight at least in short term basis.



Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition | Health Psychology


"Presented in the 4th International Joint Conference on Society and Health: Global Health, Society and Human Development, Mahidol University, Salaya Campus, Thailand, 28-29 September 2015"

"Abstract only"


Obesity in adolescence--Philippines; Reducing diets--Philippines; Obesity--Psychological aspects

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