"An application of genetic algorithm for optimization in information ce" by Mark Lorenze R. Torregoza and Elmer P. Dadios

An application of genetic algorithm for optimization in information centric network


Gokongwei College of Engineering


Electronics And Communications Engg

Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript

Publication Date



With the current innovation on computing and computer networks and with the increasing number of internet users, it is inevitable to change the current data communication scheme to address certain issues like speed, reliability and security. As evolutionary computing stays highly applicable in most of the current problems, it is a good idea to use such in solving problems of computer networking. This paper presents an approach for the currently developing Information Centric Networking. Using genetic algorithm as an optimization tool, the paper explore the application of such to Information Centric Networks. Result of testing to improve the performance of the algorithm were presented and analysed. Mainly dealing with an optimized scheme to serve the demand of the user, this paper gives an idea to integrate or utilize the capability of genetic algorithm wth an Informatoin Centric Network.



Electrical and Computer Engineering | Engineering


Genetic algorithms; Information networks

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