Assessing co-creation of value using service science to promote students shift from passive to active learners


College of Computer Studies


Software Technology

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Source Title

Lärarlärdom 2015

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In this paper our aim is to study the co-creation of value in E-learning in the context of Swedish higher education. In order to conceptualize the value realization in learning processes, we propose a framework based on service domi- nant logic and service science as well as on the revised Bloom’s taxonomy. The service science approach contends that universities and teachers can only propose value of education and offer resources to its realization, but the real value of learning is always created collaboratively and interactively with learners and learner networks. The interactive participation within learning networks entails that it is not sufficient to only acquire factual knowledge from others but it is also necessary to create and exchange new knowledge. In terms of the revised Bloom’s taxonomy this implies a shift from lower to higher order of thinking, towards more abstract forms of cognitive skills. We suggest that a successful interactive value realization in the learning process can facilitate the anticipated progress from passive to active learners.A pilot test has been conducted at the end of the spring semester 2015 on two distance based courses for bachelor students offered by the Department of Computer Science at Linnaeus University. The result from this preliminary survey aims to point out the direction for further research efforts.



Computer Sciences | Educational Technology


Computer-assisted instruction—Sweden; Web-based instruction—Sweden; Open learning—Sweden

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