"Cognitive behavior treatment manual for students experiencing social a" by Luzviminda L. Uy

Cognitive behavior treatment manual for students experiencing social anxiety


Office of the Counselling and Career Services

Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript

Publication Date



This paper is a treatment manual for students experiencing social anxiety. It is designed for the Office of Counseling and Career Services (OCCS) in addition to the existing OCCS programs and services for students with special needs. This treatment manual is in accordance with the evidence based practice in group therapy and aims not only educate students who are experiencing social anxiety disorder about the nature of such disorder but to introduce to them varied techniques in overcoming social anxiety through Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT).
This manual provides an array of difference studies on social anxiety disorder and how group therapy is found to be effective as well in school setting. It discusses about the nature of social anxiety disorder, its diagnostic features and criteria as well as the process of treatment and recovery of social anxiety disorder. This also includes a rich discussion on therapeutic intervention of social anxiety disorder and also provides the background and structure of CBT as an intervention along with its core principles and values, methods and strategies. Procedures of termination and handling social anxiety relapse are also clearly stated. Evaluation of the effectiveness of Cognitive Behavior Group Therapy is given at the end of the last session.



Cognitive Behavioral Therapy | Counseling


Social phobia; Cognitive therapy; Group psychotherapy

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