Exploring lived experiences on underachievement among DLSU students


Office of the Counselling and Career Services

Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript

Publication Date



This is a narrative study on the concept of underachievement as experienced by selected students in De La Salle University. Respondents were ten students who incurred at least nine units of academic failures. The narrative study has two phases. The descriptive phase of the study summarized the narratives of each respondents and arranged these by identifying three key features: the beginning, the middle, and the end. The interpretative phase of the study analyzed the narratives as a whole and classified these into three categories: progressive narrative showed how the students; experience of underachievement provided them new opportunities for individual growth; stable narrative indicated that the students' experience of underachievement is still on going and that the students are continually learning on how to deal with it effectively; and regressive narrative referred to students whose lives have not changed or negatively changed after they experienced underachievement. The results of the study and recommendations to various stakeholders were also presented.



Counseling Psychology


Underachievement--De La Salle University (Philippines); Academic achievement; College students—Psychology

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