"Student leaders well-being in post-pandemic" by Christopher E. Villanueva, Elaine Marie Aranda et al.

Student leaders well-being in post-pandemic


Student Affairs Office

Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript

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Promoting student well-being has recently appeared as a critical educational concern for educational systems worldwide due to its wide-reaching benefits. Student well-being can be regarded as an enabling condition for successful learning in school and an important outcome of 21st-century education. Students with a higher sense of well-being engage better at school and later on as adults by gaining employment, leading a socially engaged life, and contributing to the nation. This study aimed to describe the well being of student leaders in the post pandemic. It used the EPOCH Measure of Adolescent Well-being that measures five areas namely: Engagement, Perseverance, Optimism, Connectedness and Happiness. The results revealed that student leaders have a High level of Well-being, and among the different areas, they scored high in Connectedness while low in Optimism. The researchers recommend that programs to promote optimism among our student leaders should be considered in order to appease their feelings of uncertainty brought about by the pandemic.

Keywords: Student Leaders well-being, program design for well-being, post-pandemic program development



Educational Psychology


Creation date supplied


Students—Health and hygiene; Well-being; Students—Psychology

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