Emerging trends in content management systems (CMSs) for library websites: A study of selected academic libraries in the Philippines



Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Source Title

Leveraging Generative Intelligence in Digital Libraries: Towards Human-Machine Collaboration: 25th International Conference on Asia-Pacific Digital Libraries

Publication Date



The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of technology in academic institutions, including libraries, to support research, learning, and information dissemination. Content management systems (CMSs) have emerged as valuable tools for libraries to efficiently create and manage content-rich websites without extensive programming knowledge. This study focuses on the assessment of CMSs used by the top four Philippine universities based on the 2020 QS Asia

University Rankings. By analyzing the libraries’ websites and CMS functionalities, the researchers explored how these systems facilitate research, learning, and

information sharing during the pandemic. The study also investigated the chal lenges and advantages associated with CMSs for library website management.

Findings revealed that WordPress and Drupal were the CMSs employed, with

Adobe Muse, Microsoft ASP.Net, and Springshare serving as additional plat- forms. While these CMSs enhance communication with library patrons due to

their customizability and user-friendliness, only one library has a dedicated guide for navigating library services in the “new normal”. Recognizing their websites as primary communication channels, all four libraries have leveraged their CMSs to ensure easy access to collection and service information for their patrons.



Computer Sciences | Library and Information Science


Web site development; Web sites—Design

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