Enhancing community engagement: A literature review on the Lasallian Mission Office's initiatives at De La Salle University Laguna

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Archival Material/Manuscript

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This research provides a comprehensive literature review on the Lasallian Mission Office (LMO) initiatives at De La Salle University Laguna aimed at enhancing community engagement. It explores the integration of community work into various aspects of university life, emphasizing the critical role of the Center for Social Concern and Action (COSCA) and the Lasallian Outreach and Volunteer Effort (LOVE) in facilitating student involvement and experiential learning. The study evaluates the impact of these initiatives on local and broader communities, particularly in Metro Manila, addressing challenges such as balancing academic work with community projects and resource constraints. It also examines the wider literature on university community work, highlighting the importance of policy changes, innovative engagement methods, and mutual benefits for communities and universities. The synthesis identifies strengths, such as the comprehensive integration of community work into university life and the variety of community projects but notes challenges in maintaining project quality and resource allocation. The study concludes with recommendations for balanced participation, focused support, expanding COSCA’s infrastructure, integrating community work into the curriculum, and implementing comprehensive impact assessments.



Civic and Community Engagement


Creation date supplied


Service learning—Philippines; Civics, Philippine

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