"Daily spiritual experience of Filipino Catholic youth" by James Emerson L. Mañez

Daily spiritual experience of Filipino Catholic youth


Lasallian Pastoral Office

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Source Title

DLSU Research Congress 2022

Publication Date



The COVID-19 experience has caused us to reflect on our lived experiences as human persons with an embodied spirit. It led us to inquire to learn as many lessons as possible to provide care not only for our body but also for our spirit. This paper explores spirituality as a point of reference for holistic care and the formation of persons toward wellness and quality of life. It employs a descriptive analysis of the daily spiritual experience of Filipino Catholic youth. 2005 participants participated in the National Filipino Catholic Youth Survey. Findings show that the daily spiritual experience of Filipino Catholic youth is relatively above average. Moreover, this spiritual experience manifests highly in terms of feeling thankful for their blessings and least experienced through acceptance of others even when they do things that participants think are wrong. Further analyses show a difference in the daily experience of Filipino Catholic youth in terms of gender and occupation. The findings have implications for the provision of spiritual care and the formation of persons toward wellness and quality of life, especially in the pandemic context.





Spirituality; Youth—Religious life—Philippines; Catholic youth—Philippines

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