"Feminist pedagogies: Sex and gender issues in the philosophy of educat" by Natividad Dominique G. Manauat

Feminist pedagogies: Sex and gender issues in the philosophy of education


College of Liberal Arts



Document Type

Archival Material/Manuscript


The author maintains that in any attempt to evaluate the nature, scope and similar inquiries that involve pedagogy, there is still an imperative to require a thorough understanding of social relations that necessarily include sex and gender relations. After critically looking into the history and hidden assumptions of some of the traditional approaches to pedagogy and the philosophy of education, it is found that the important component of gender, which is often hidden or overlooked as a "false universal" needs to be adequately addressed. However, even from within, i.e., feminist pedagogies, there is also a pressing need to expand their critique; and apart from the categories of gender and sexuality, it is vital to embrace and allow other equally important considerations to penetrate the discourse such as the categories of race, and class in order to be truly "transformative".



Feminist Philosophy | Philosophy

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