"Using focus group discussion to validate values survey" by Pia Redempta T. Manalastas

Using focus group discussion to validate values survey


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Management and Organization Department

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Source Title

Management and Organization Department Lecture Series

Publication Date



This research contributes to the growing trend of using both qualitative and quantitative methodologies in educational research. After administering the Schwartz Values survey to measure the impact of values education on MBA students, a focus group discussion (FGD) was convened to validate the results of the survey. The top five values for the group of students who had taken the CSR course are as follows: (1) Family security; (2) Healthy; (3) Meaning in Life;m (4) Honoring parents and elders, and (5) Self-respect. Analyzing the results of the FGD resulted in discovering similar patterns and insights on the effects of the course on the respondents. Thus, it can be concluded that FDG can be used to validate or triangulate the results of quantitative surveys.



Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research

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