Conservation of the Philippine teak in Ilin Island, Mindoro, Philippines


College of Science



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Source Title

Flagship Species Fund Final Report

Publication Date



The project focused on initiating conservation efforts for the endangered Philippine teak (Tectona philippinensis) in Ilin Island, Mindoro, one of the three locations in the world of this Philippine endemic tree. A rich teak forest used to grow in Ilin Island but became much depleted due to the tree's utilization as planks for railroads, timber for construction, firewood and charcoal. The island currently sustains only three small population fragments on privately owned lands. Recent inventory gives a total of merely 44 individuals (>10 cm DBH) from the six 200 m2 plots surveyed. After 15 months of project implementation, a native tree species nursery has been established, providing the needed planting materials for the envisioned biological corridor. This will eventually connect the remaining teak forest fragments. Various information/education campaigns through seminars, print and broadcast media made the stakeholders well-aware of the value of the Philippine teak, the native trees, natural forests and biodiversity conservation in general. This is well-reflected in their active participation in the tree planting activities where nurturing, not simply planting the trees, is emphasized. Community resolutions to protect the forests from being cut and burned have been passed. A local conservation core group that will help sustain the project through the established cooperative has also been organized. As a whole, all set objectives to initiate the conservation of the Philippine teak in the Ilin Island Mindoro have been accomplished. However, longer time is needed to see the impact of the project to both environment and community.



Natural Resources and Conservation


This work has been carried out under the auspices of the Flagship Sepcies Fund of the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) and Flora and Fauna International (FFI) with funding from DEFRA and MBCFI.


Teak--Philippines--Mindoro; Ilin Island (Mindoro)

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