"Effects of papaya (carica papaya) pulp extracts on bovine sperm motili" by Noel F. Alfonso, Ma. Cristina G. Leviste et al.

Effects of papaya (carica papaya) pulp extracts on bovine sperm motility and mortality


College of Science



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Archival Material/Manuscript

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To examine the effects of green and yellow Carica papaya pulp extract on cryo-preserved bovine sperm after thawing, the sperm swimming speed, sperm motility, number of sperm flagellar beats, and sperm mortality were measured. Green and yellow papaya pulp were obtained from fresh fruit after chopping, blending and squeezing through cheese cloth. Sperm were obtained from cryopreserved bovine semen obtained from the National ARtificial Breeding Center. BWW was used as the sperm diluents. Seprm motility was assessed immediately post-thawing by measuring the time needed by sperm to seim 0.025 mm on the counting chamber of a hemacytometer slide. The number of flagellar beats in a 15 second period was counted, The percentage of motile sperm was visually determined. Nigrosin-eosin was used to obtain sperm mortality rates. Results showed that yellow papaya sxtract (YP) and green papaya extract (GP) both inhibited sperm swimming speed and both induced a curvilinear swimming pattern. YP and GP treatments also showed sperm motility compared to controls. The number of flagellar beats was not affected by both YP and GP treatments. Sperm mortality rates were higher than controls for both YP and GP treatments. Extracts of both green and yellow papaya seem to have potential in inhibiting several sperm physiological parameters, and potentially, their fertilizing ability.





Undated; Publication/creation date supplied


Papaya; Spermatozoa—Motility; Spermicides; Male contraceptives

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