An exploratory study on adolescent social responsibility and its predictors: Basis for positive youth development program

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This study explored and analyzed Adolescent Social Responsibility (ASR) by identifying the quality of adolescents' prosocial tendencies and community service self-efficacy, as well as by elucidating their relationships with the demographic variables, emotional-social intelligence, and perceived family environment. Furthermore, this study determined the probable predictors of ASR which refers to the adolescents' attribution of prosocial tendencies and confidence in their ability to make relevant contributions to the society through community service, exploration/engagement, and action.
Results indicated a reasonable degree of ASR and moderate functioning in emotional-social intelligence and perceived family environment. The findings further revealed that the correlations between variables of ASR (prosocial tendencies and community service self-efficacy) were generally significant (0.309 to 0.320). ASR and emotional-social intelligence were correlated significantly moderate, particularly between compliant prosocial behavior and interpersonal skill (0.443) and between emotional prosocial behavior and interpersonal sill (0.476). Moreover, multiple regression analysis revealed that the interpersonal competence predicts ASR, specifically complaint prosocial behavior (R2: 0.178) at 0.001 P value. Those with moderate correlations were the ones subjected to regression analysis. The findings and implications of this study would provide a framework for evaluating and developing schemes for a Positive Youth Development Program vis-a-vis Adolescent Social Responsibilty.



Social Psychology


Publication/creation date supplied


Adolescent psychology; Teenagers--Social conditions

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