A unified framework for examining program correctness

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Archival Material/Manuscript

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This paper looks into program analysis techniques, more specifically on how these techniques work and how to improve them. Generally, improved program analysis techniques are a combination of different techniques. For example, static and dynamic analyses techniques can be used together with each other in order to complement each other by providing information that will be otherwise unavailable to the other if used individually.
This paper examines the hybrid combination of Natural Language Processing (NLP) Analysis and Experimental Program Analysis (EPA). NLP analysis will help identify the relations of variables with each other in the program code (independent and dependent variables). Using this output, EPA will then perform its corresponding analysis technique of performing experiments depending on the possible states. By automating the identification of the relation of variables by using NLP Analysis (instead of manual finding by users), the paper hopes to produce an improved and faster technique.



Computer Sciences


Computer programs—Correctness

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