"Harnessing technology and innovation for social good: The case of enga" by Raymund B. Habaradas and Patrick Adriel H. Aure

Harnessing technology and innovation for social good: The case of engageSPARK in the Philippines


Ramon V. Del Rosario College of Business


Management and Organization Department

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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Our paper explores how technology innovations (Barbieri & Alvares, 2016; Galanakis, 2006; Jha, 2016; Meissner & Kotsemir, 2016; Rothwell, 1994) and innovations in management thinking (Drucker, 2002; 2006; Kim & Mauborgne, 1999; 2009; 2015; Orsato, 2009; Osterwalder & Pigneur, 2010; Osterwalder et al., 2014; Ries, 2011) can help solve social problems. We feature the case of engageSPARK, a technology-oriented social enterprise headquartered in Cebu, Philippines, which works closely with humanitarian organizations, foundations, and even corporations. By harnessing SMS and voice call technology, engageSPARK provides solutions to societal and business issues ranging from beneficiary engagement (nonprofit organizations) and human resource management (corporate clients).
For this paper, we adopted the qualitative case study method proposed by Yin (2003), which is fit for examining contemporary phenomenon over which researchers do not have much control.
Through the insights gained from this case, we aim to provide scholars, practitioners, and policy-makers insights on how technology can be harnessed by organizations not just to pursue innovation, but also to solve humanitarian problems that can lead to the realization of inclusive growth.



Technology and Innovation


Printed copy first page only (Abstract)


Technological innovations--Philippines; Social entrepreneurship

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