Calorie burn profile among twenty-four Filipinos who stride along Mt. Pingas


Br. Andrew Gonzalez FSC College of Education


Physical Education

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Source Title

Proceedings of the Eleventh OU-DLSU Academic Research Workshop

Publication Date



The calorie burn profile of twenty-four Filpinos who stride along Mt. Pingas at Pakil, Laguna was covered. We intend to determine the calorie burn profile among twenty-four typical Filipino citizens of Pakil, Laguna as a function of weight, age, blood pressure, and pulse rate. The analysis of the data can serve as a pilot test in initiating a nationwide baseline data on the calorie burn per stride among Filipino walkers. We selected twenty-four Filipinos from Pakil, Laguna who does not have any history of hypertension, heart-related problems, pulmonary-related problems, drug dependency, alcoholic dependency, and other debilitating illness during the health awareness week in Pakil, Laguna. Vital statistics of each participant were taken before making the stride along Mt. Pingas. Number of strides was also recorded with the use of portable pedometer. No significant trend can be established between the calories burned with varying weights, However, results have shown a linear trend between calorie burn during ascension and calorie burn during the descent thru linear regression analysis.



Health and Physical Education

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