Grade school students satisfaction: A giide towards a better student services program


Office of the Counselling and Career Services

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Archival Material/Manuscript

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Grade School Students’ school satisfaction refers to their influenced personal feelings, tastes, or opinions of thinking in judging the standard of their school life. This study aims to identify the level of satisfaction of the Grade School Students particularly the intermediate level which comprises Grades 4, 5, and 6 in the Student Service Offices of the University – Registrar’s Office; Cashier’s Office; Guidance and Counseling Office; Library; Bookstore; Admission Office; and Campus Ministry. The descriptive survey design was used together with a total enumeration sampling technique. Grade School Satisfaction Survey is an online instrument developed by the Guidance and Counseling Office based on historical and recent feedback from the university’s stakeholders. It was indicated that grade school students are completely satisfied with the Student Service Offices. The overall rating garnered were 4.28, 4.31, 4.33, 4.20, 4.25, 4.32, and 4.32 for the Registrar’s Office, Cashier’s Office, Guidance and Counseling Office, Library, Bookstore, Admission Office, and Campus Ministry respectively. Correct information from the Student Service Offices that could explain clearly the processes and expectations for the Grade School Students can enable them to access the school services online. A user-friendly learning system modality appropriate to the level of understanding of the Grade School learners could also maintain or increase their satisfaction.



Educational Psychology


Satisfaction; Consumer satisfaction; School children—Philippines—Psychology

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